Telegram is now positioned to reclaim the small-timers’ business in a completely different payment medium than EURO, which it appears to have abandoned entirely. Instead, it chose TON, a cryptocurrency that can be transacted almost instantaneously, globally, outside the banking networks, and for little commission.
- Rio Tinto confirms plan to acquire Arcadium Lithium by
- A Frontier Airlines plane makes an emergency landing after an engine fire
- International funds shine with an increase of up to 20% compared to last week’s return rates
- Virtus fund manager says Fed rate cuts should favor preferred stocks
- The German government expects the economy to contract by 0.2% this year, Sueddeutsche By Reuters reports
- According to WSJ, the security breach linked to China targeted American eavesdropping systems
- FAA allows SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle to fly on October 7 Reuters