“LUSD is great for its decentralized capabilities, but it doesn’t have the built-in flexibility to adapt to changing market environments like rising or falling interest rates,” Samrat Lekhak, head of business development and communications at Liquity, said in an interview over Telegram. “In times of positive interest rates, this implies a need for a continuous yield source for the stablecoin, which BOLD provides.”
- Stocks in Japan fall at close of session; Nikkei 225 fell 1.87% According to Investing.com
- Stellantis sees 20% drop in deliveries in Q3 y/y According to Reuters
- Hong Kong’s leader is focusing on livelihood issues, positioning HK as a global hub According to Reuters
- Xi says that China wants to be a partner, a friend of the United States. Author: Reuters
- According to Reuters, North Korea says 1.4 million young people joined its army this week
- Stocks with the biggest moves after hours: UAL, JBHT, IBKR
- Canada’s Labor Minister proposes a new mediator during the Montreal port workers’ strike. Author: Reuters