
‘Globalist Power Is No Longer a Moral Authority’: Amir Taaki Responds to Samourai Charges

In an era increasingly defined by surveillance and oversight, Amir Taaki stands out as a key figure in the Bitcoin movement, sounding a clarion call for crypto awareness following the indictment of Samourai Wallet. Taaki’s latest initiative, “Darkfi,” seeks to pioneer a completely anonymous platform for collaborative fundraising and distribution, posing a challenge to existing regulations and advocating for genuine liberty through technology.

In the Face of Regulation, Darkfi Aims to Redefine Crypto Anonymity and Liberty

Amir Taaki has voiced his perspective on the recent Samourai Wallet indictment, suggesting that it signals a need to “step up our game.” In his blog, Taaki notes that governments globally are intensifying efforts to regulate anonymous transactions, purportedly to thwart illegal activities. He argues, however, that this suppresses innovation and curtails individual freedoms. Taaki states:

The action against Samourai devs (who are ideological agorists) reveals that the state is moving in on anybody who challenges the status quo.

Taaki recounted that in 2012, crypto-anarchists were confident that bitcoin (BTC) would inevitably surpass national systems—a belief that seemed scientifically inevitable. The community, he recalls, was content to simply observe the unfolding spectacle. However, Taaki points out, the industry soon became overrun by opportunists focused solely on exploiting the retail sector.

“Then even some of those ideological people ‘matured’ and started joining in on the robbery so they won’t get left behind,” Taaki remarked. “That’s what it means when adults tell you about growing up and ‘becoming pragmatic.’ Becoming pragmatic is also code for kneeling to authority and accepting fate.”

Taaki believes there will be a split between Regfi and Darkfi.

Taaki envisions a redefined approach to how cryptocurrencies operate, emphasizing the importance of a social contract that is voluntarily accepted by its users rather than imposed by any central entity. This approach challenges the current state of crypto projects that often compromise on decentralization for scalability or compliance with governmental regulations. By advocating for a model that fully embraces the principles of decentralization, Taaki aims to preserve the core values that originally inspired the cryptocurrency movement.

The co-founder of Dark Wallet further addressed the stereotype labeling Taaki and other advocates for freedom as “criminals.” He believes this widespread fascination with the criminal label reflects a growing skepticism about the legitimacy of the law. It evokes a common feeling of being subjected to external control. “The true criminals are those in power,” Taaki stressed. “We’ve all heard the scandals and corruption. Globalist power is no longer a moral authority — simply a triumphant one which uses sophistry and manipulation to secure election cycles. Instead, they point to us, the people, as criminals.”

The Darkfi developer added:

They are criminals. We are forest rebels and defenders of free society. Free society is under foreign occupation by criminals. They set the morality while stealing everything from us. Then they judge us by the morality they created.

Looking forward, the challenge for Taaki and the Darkfi project lies in sustaining the vision against potential regulatory pushback and ensuring the platform can achieve its intended impact without compromising its foundational principles. The project’s success will largely depend on the adoption and advocacy by the broader community who share Taaki’s vision for a free, decentralized world. “Darkfi is a base layer for anonymous applications and smart contracts that aims to be multi-chain interoperable,” the manifesto states.

As the landscape of digital currencies continues to evolve, Taaki claims that Darkfi aims to serve as a beacon for those who believe in the transformative power of technology to promote autonomy and privacy. “Crypto will split into two,” Taaki explains. “Regfi will be unusable and bolted down. It will be toothless. The other side will be the underground Darkfi. It will have bite,” he added sharing the Darkfi manifesto.

Taaki asserts that Darkfi’s launch is inevitable this year, regardless of public opinion. “We’re now getting ready to release our final testnet, which is the last major release before mainnet,” Taaki’s blog post concludes. “We are ready. We are well prepared. Nobody can stop us. We’ve been laying down roots for years.”

What do you think about Amir Taaki’s opinion about the Samourai Wallet indictment and the Darkfi project? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below.


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