
Akita Society Uses Blockchain to Protect Dog Breeds in Japan

The Akita Inu, an esteemed dog breed originating from the northern Akita prefecture in Japan, has seen a surge in global popularity lately. Addressing the issues of pedigree authenticity and missing paperwork, the Akita Inu Preservation Society has taken a modern approach by collaborating with a technology company to introduce a reliable solution that employs blockchain technology.

Akita Inu Preservation Society’s drive into blockchain

The Akita Inu Preservation Society has seen a significant increase in its international membership, growing from 300 in 2022 to close to 500 in 2023. This rise in global members poses a challenge, particularly in ensuring the safe and efficient distribution of pedigree certificates. These certificates, which have traditionally been issued in paper form, tend to get lost during international shipping. Additionally, there was an incident involving fake documents in China a few years back, which underscores the necessity for a more secure system.

It is important to know that the blockchain-based pedigree system was collaboratively created by Meta Akita Inc., located in the prefecture, and the American corporation Heirloom Inc. Known for its robust security, blockchain technology is commonly utilized for transactions involving cryptocurrencies.

By adopting blockchain for the distribution of digital certificates, the process significantly accelerates the delivery to dog owners compared to the traditional method of mailing paper documents, which could extend beyond two weeks.

A board member of the society, Yuki Shoji, said: “ “In addition to the convenience of digitalization, we hope that owners will also have peace of mind in knowing that their dog is purebred.”


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